We were overjoyed to be expecting again, but dreading the unknown. Allison had been horribly sick with Owen and there is no science to determine if it would happen again. The first few weeks were ok and we laughed about ignoring the pink elephant in the corner.. hoping he wouldn't start stomping around .... if we only knew.
The stomping began fairly early and lasted seemingly forever. I can only describe the pain I felt holding Allison as she cried because she felt constantly sick... and visiting the observation ward at Reading hospital several times to get IV fluids. It's horrible not being able to help or make it better... Our blessing came in the form of an infusion pump that metered anti nausea meds through a skin port. Having the constant supply helped immensely and gave Allison the chance to have a semi-normal life for the later part of the summer.

Our friend Michelle (who is the best ultrasound tech in the entire world) looked in at our little person during one of our visits and let us know we were having a girl! For the struggles Allison had endured, I was overjoyed that she was going to get her wish for another lady in the house.
Thank you to everyone that shared bags and bags of clothes! She has quite a little wardrobe now along with mommy's shopping sprees.
I'm writing this with about three weeks to the due date and we are so excited to meet our new little person. Things are pretty much prepared around the house so it's a waiting game now. I came across a quote online written by the English poet Joseph Addison:
"Certain is it that there is no kind of affection so purely angelic as of a father to a daughter. In love to our wives there is desire; to our sons, ambition; but to our daughters there is something which there are no words to express."
She isn't even here yet, but I feel this. I can't wait to see her face... to hear her voice... to hold her close.
Even with the anticipation, this time around it all seems a little surreal. With Owen, we were first time parents and there was an element of fear associated with the unknown. As time got close, getting ready and being ready consumed us. Now, we're going to have a baby very shortly, and it almost doesn't feel real. That will change in a hurry I'm sure, but it's still a weird combination of feelings.