Miss Molly and her beautiful smile.

Allison picked a nice fall day in October to get some pictures of the kids out in the yard. The sky was so blue and wispy clouds were sailing by to create a nice backdrop.

Molly's Great Grandma Ney made this cute little sweater for Molly which she enjoyed very much.

We both thought this picture was just funny. Both of them staring off, holding their hands. Molly and her poochy lip.

Hugs and Laughs.

For a long time following, Molly thought it was just silly to stick our her tongue. I may have encouraged this.. ;)

Just a silly expression I caught one day.

Molly was a paper chewer for a while. Here's the leftover carnage from her daily school report that we found.

Molly was a LadyBug for Halloween. Here she is with Great Grandma Ney.

And Grandma..

And Grandpa..

And the blood sucking vampire...