Two weeks ago we got through all the fun questions when we visited Owen's new baby niece at the hospital....
"Daddy, why does her pee pee have a clip on it". (umbilical cord)
"Well Owen, that's where her belly button will be... she doesn't have a pee pee."
"Why doesn't she have a pee-pee like me daddy?"
"Becuase she's a girl ,and girls don't have pee pee's".
"oh... (pause).... Daddy, does mommy have a pee pee?"
"No Owen, mommy does not have a pee-pee because Mommy is a girl"
By then, Allison was on the other side of the room doubled over laughing because I was getting to field all these fun questions.... She got some good ones earlier in the pregnancy... like "how is the baby going to come out" and "how did the baby get in there". Gotta love the mind of a 4 year old.
Here, Owen was having a good laugh because Molly sneezed.

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