She had her first ear infection a few weeks ago, but responded pretty quickly to the anitbiotics. We're hoping that we don't have repeat issues like we had with Owen, but only time will tell.
Molly loves to put whatever she holds into her mouth. Typically this is a fist or a piece of clothing she's wearing. If she has on a dress, she almost always pulls it up around her head so she can chew on it. It's pretty humorous.... we keep checking for teeth, but nothing yet.
Here's Molly & Owen a few weekends ago on a Saturday morning while we let Mommy sleep.

Memorial Day weekend... She kept throwing out these huge smiles while Allison & Owen were sliding on the slides. 

Monday after the parade, Molly & I got a short nap together. Thanks to Shannon for thinking to take a picture!
Here's some proofs from pictures we took this past weekend at Portrait Innovations in Reading. They turned out wonderful...

The pictures are fabulous! She is beautiful. I know this seems wierd, but she and Millie look SO much alike in their facial features...only Molly is much blonder - Millie's a lot darker than Lydia was, both her complexion and hair.